
Living room tops eBay’s ‘room-oval ranking’

Brits prioritise the living room when moving home 

During peak home move season, research from eBay has found that when it comes to moving house, over half of Brits (51%)  will prioritise the living room as the first room to unpack, swiftly followed by the kitchen (21%), and in third place, the bedroom (14%). 

The survey, carried out to mark the launch of eBay’s dedicated home hub, also found that Brits are most likely to upgrade furnishings when moving house, nearly a quarter chose the sofa (23%). Indeed, this is reflected on site, with the online marketplace selling more than 330,000 sofas in the last three months ; that’s three every minute, with listings ranging from art deco style three seaters to luxury sofa sets for £8,000 .  

The second most popular item to upgrade is the bed; with nearly one in five (17%) shifting their focus to the bedroom. 

However, there could be trouble in paradise when it comes to the third item to upgrade, with one in ten men opting for a TV (11%) and sales of TV entertainment centres increasing 33% year-on-year on On the other hand, women have been veering towards the more essential kit, like a fridge (7%).  Indeed, both men and women said they would hold back some cash for the improvements, with most women saving up to £1,000 (27%) but men opting to keep more than £2,000 (23%) to spend on the new house. 

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