
eBay’s mythical motor

Press Release

To mark Pride 2017, will be revealing the transformation of a 1968 Ford Mustang Coupe into a ‘unicorn’ tomorrow.

Online marketplace takes ‘pride’ in unique car restoration

The mythical motor which will take part in the London Pride Parade celebrations on Saturday 8th July, will be sold afterwards on the online marketplace with all proceeds will go to the Albert Kennedy Trust. The charity supports young 16-25 year olds from the LGBT community who are homeless or living in a hostile environment.

The vehicle restoration which has taken 30 days and created from parts and accessories sourced on eBay, has been carried out by a skilled team of five; including mechanic and London Organiser of Gay Classic Car Group, Darren Sullivan-Vince

The project has involved upgrading the rear shocks and springs, installing a new radiator, hoses and water pump, fitting a new bonnet complete with unicorn horn, customised ‘unicorn’ lettering on the boot, and wings which are made from plastazote with a steel skeleton.

eBay spokesperson, Chris Gardner says: “At eBay we’re proud to celebrate all kinds of diversity, whether that’s the brilliant diversity of our society or the diversity available on site.

It’s been great to be a part of this project where the LGBT community has come together for one purpose – to create this incredible unique car and raise money for a great cause.

The Albert Kennedy Trust is a fantastic organisation, and eBay customers will have the option to donate at check out for the two weeks during Pride, as well as all of the proceeds from the sale of the ‘unicorn’ being donated to the charity."

Darren Sullivan Vince says: “I’m thrilled to be part of a project that celebrates diversity, and it’s brilliant that eBay have chosen the Albert Kennedy Trust as their charity partner for this activity as I personally know friends who have been helped by this organisation during struggles in their life.”



eBay Inc. (NASDAQ: EBAY) is a global commerce leader including the Marketplace, StubHub and Classifieds platforms. Collectively, we connect millions of buyers and sellers around the world, empowering people and creating opportunity through Connected Commerce. Founded in 1995 in San Jose, Calif., eBay is one of the world's largest and most vibrant marketplaces for discovering great value and unique selection. In 2015, eBay enabled $82 billion of gross merchandise volume


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