
eBay reveals most ‘collectible’ Royal this Platinum Jubilee

Press Release

Coins and corgis fill shopping baskets in the run up to the momentous anniversary

New data released today by eBay reveals that the nation is going mad for ‘Royal collectibles’ in the lead up to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with searches up a staggering 700%.* 

From classic coins to real slices of royal wedding cake, there’s a collectible for every type of fan. But which blue-blood is the most in favour?

Marking a monumental anniversary in 2022, searches for Her Majesty, ‘the Queen’ are unsurprisingly up by 35% in the last month. Shoppers are seemingly desperate to get Her Majesty involved in their seasoning, as searches for ‘Queen salt and pepper shakers’ alone have seen an uplift of 200%. 

Meanwhile, following the recent announcement of her future title change to Queen consort, Camilla is rising in the ranks amongst Royal fans with searches for ‘Queen Camilla’ drastically increasing 267% in the same time frame.

Despite recent controversy, searches for ‘Harry and Meghan’ shot up by 63% last week**, with the younger royals branded bric-a-brac still in demand as the nation’s fixation on the couple ramps back up ahead of the Jubilee.

And furry family members are not to be overlooked in the rankings, with the Queen’s beloved canine’s sending searches for ‘knitted corgi’ and ‘corgi cake topper’ soaring by 231% and 167% respectively over the last month.

While Royal fans each have their favourite figurehead, this Spring they are all united in preparing for a good old fashioned Jubilee tea party. It’s been said that the Queen prefers her sandwiches without pointy edges, and a 22% increase in searches for ‘round cutter’** on eBay last week suggests fans are looking to emulate the regal effect on their own sandwich platters. Demand for royal tea cups, queen tea pots and jubilee plates has also reached boiling point in recent months, with searches up by 50%, 42% and 383% respectively.* 

Yet it would seem that true collectors want an even bigger (and older!) slice of the action, with searches for ‘Royal wedding cake’ rising by 33% as people hunt down confection from as far back as Charles and Diana’s nuptials in 1981. Keen to reminisce about such occasions from days gone by, shoppers have increased searches for ‘royal newspaper memorabilia’ by 200%, ‘coronation stamp’ by 300% and  for ‘royal jubilee coin’ by 67%. 

Frances Monro, eBay UK’s Head of Collectibles, says: “The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is sure to capture the nation’s attention  this summer, for lifelong royalists and fans of the Crown alike. From seasoned memorabilia collectors to those making the most of a weekend-long celebration, there’s a memento suitable for all royal fans on eBay - and we expect to see an even bigger spike in demand as the milestone approaches.” 



*Based on eBay UK month on month search data - 1 Feb - 28 Feb 2022 vs 1 Jan - 28 Jan 2022

**Based on eBay UK week on week search data - 20 March - 26 March 2022 vs 27 March - 1 April 2022


Top 10 most searched for Royal Collectibles on eBay:

  1. Jubilee tin 

  2. Jubilee plate

  3. Jubilee mug 

  4. Royal memorabilia newspaper

  5. Jubilee Cup

  6. Queen Plate

  7. Jubilee necklace

  8. Princess Anne plate

  9. Royal Jubilee coin

  10. Royal Tea Cup / Prince Charles plate