More Impact Together: eBay Inc Powers $5B for Nonprofits in 2013

eBay Inc. Staff

Since eBay Inc.’s founding, we’ve believed that technology-enabled and people-centered commerce represents not only a good business concept, but also a powerful opportunity to create social and environmental good in the world. Today, nearly two decades later, we continue to place a strong sense of purpose at the core of our identity – advancing our Social Innovation strategy that drives value not only for our shareholders, but also for the people that our platform supports, the communities where we do business and the planet that we serve.

Central to our Social Innovation strategy is a belief that we have a unique opportunity to increase the capacity of charitable organizations to do more good. By leveraging the unique assets of our company – our people, technology and scale – we can foster powerful connections, resulting in new and enduring sources of support for causes around the world. Our Powering Giving efforts across PayPal, eBay and StubHub create a powerful ecosystem for charitable giving by:

  • Connecting people with easy ways to support the causes they care about
  • Enabling nonprofits to raise mission-critical funds and connect with donors in new ways
  • Offering innovative ways for retail partners and celebrities to extend their positive impact


As you can see in the following infographic, eBay Inc.’s portfolio of giving programs and tools helped generate nearly $5 billion for nonprofits globally last year. Even more exciting: we witnessed double-digit growth in the number of people that were inspired to take action on behalf of their favorite cause. All that engagement adds up to a whole lot of good!