Kleiner Perkins Partner Mary Meeker’s Top Internet Trends

eBay Inc. Staff

Her report highlights the explosive growth of mobile technology.

Kleiner Perkins venture partner Mary Meeker’s much-awaited annual Internet trends forecast was revealed this week at Re/Code’s conference in Southern California, and it is packed with some eye-popping numbers.

One trend stands out: growth in the mobile sector.

The comprehensive report from Meeker – who has a cult following in Silicon Valley and beyond for her insights on the growth trajectory of the Internet -- highlights the accelerating growth of mobile data traffic, which is up 81 percent year-over-year, with video being the strong driver.

Mobile web usage continues to rise rapidly, and represents 25 percent of total web usage globally.  Asia and Africa have the largest mobile web usage by region, at 37 percent and 38 percent respectively. 

Another eye-popping number: Over 1.8 billion photos are uploaded and shared every day.

 Here are the highlights from the 164-page slide deck:

  • Tablet devices are showing 52 percent year-over-year early stage unit growth, and are growing faster than PCs ever did.
  •  Smartphone operating systems “made in the U.S.A” now have 97 percent market share, up from five percent eight years ago.
  • Cyber threats are intensifying, with 95 percent of networks experiencing compromises of one type or another.
  • New social graphs are growing quickly, with image and video sharing rising very rapidly.
  • The cost of computing is declining by 33 percent annually, as cheaper processing power and storage plus cloud services create conveniences.
  • Bandwidth costs are declining 27 percent annually, facilitating richer connections and interactions.
  • Smartphone costs are declining 5 percent annually, making them accessible to people who haven’t owned them before.
  • Users are accessing more screens than ever, including TVs, PCs, tablets, kiosks, smartphones and emerging device types.
  • Eighty-four percent of mobile device owners now report using them in conjunction with TV watching.
  • More screens increases engagement, giving users more content in less time.


It’s worth investigating the full-deck on KPCB’s website.

Image Credit: KPCB