Computer Vision

Head-Motion Tracking Technology HeadGaze Attracts Interest

Adam Kohler, eBay News Team

Since its release a month ago, eBay’s open source project HeadGaze, which uses head motion to navigate user interface on the iPhone X, has gained interest.

Last month, eBay released an open source technology, HeadGaze, that enables you to interact with your iPhone X using only subtle head movements. The technology uses Apple ARKit and the iPhone X camera to track head movements so anyone can navigate their iPhone X hands-free. The HeadGaze technology and sample app were developed by former eBay intern Muratcan Cicek in partnership with the Computer Vision Team, including Jinrong Xie, Research Scientist; Qiaosong Wang, Research Scientist; and Robinson Piramuthu, Chief Scientist Computer Vision.

Since its release on Github, HeadGaze has been forked 36 times, meaning people are either working on their own projects or are contributing improvements or bug fixes to the open source project and another 534 people have starred the project.

The source code for HeadGaze, along with a sample app, is available on