Feel Good Friday: A letter from a 3rd grader

Richard Brewer-Hay

In addition to covering the news and the behind-the-scenes of what happens here at eBay Inc., I’m going to start introducing some regular features to the blog. It started earlier this week with the new “5 Minutes With…” interview that highlights a different eBay Inc. employee each time. Today, I’m launching a new feature called “Feel Good Friday”. It will help folks know ahead of time when to expect my truly “fluff” pieces and they can choose to read on or not. Plus, for those of you who like a nice story, it should send you into the weekend with a good, fuzzy feeling.

The picture

Today’s Feel Good Friday: A Letter From a 3rd Grader

A letter was delivered to the front desk at HQ on Wednesday from a 3rd grader who had also taken the time to draw a picture of what they thought eBay’s offices looked like. They wanted to learn a little bit about the history of the company and also for someone to send something for their class museum.

Letter to eBay from a 3rd grader

The envelope – that didn’t have a specific recipient in the address – made it’s way to my desk and I thought I’d do a little digging around to find out more. I found the number to the school online and managed to track down the teacher. She encourages her students to practice their writing and communication skills by having them write to different companies talking about what they do (I thought it was a fantastic idea).

The letter

She agreed that I could put the letter and the picture up here on Ink to share with folks (as long as I protected the student’s identity of course) and I promised to put a care package together for the students from people here that I work with. She has 22 students in her class so I’ve managed to rustle up 22 eBay Live! pins from the past couple of years, some fun eBay branded toys, stickers and an eBay stapler for the teacher.

Care package for a 3rd grade class

Hope they like it and that you got a kick out of the picture I received.