eBay SM App of the day: My.ShipRush Ship Center

Richard Brewer-Hay

As promised, in response to eBay’s announcement of the SM Apps program, here is the second in a series I’m calling “eBay SM App of the day.”

Today we’re looking at the good folks at My.ShipRush, an eBay Certified Provider.

My ShipRush Logo

My.ShipRush on eBay 1

The vitals:
SM App: My.ShipRush Ship Center
Release : 8/19/2009
Subscription: Free
What it solves for: My.Ship Rush centralizes your shipping To Do list in one place.
Why you should care: This free application allows you to monitor and track all ecommerce sales activity across multiple channels (eBay, Amazon, Yahoo! Stores, etc.) in one place.
What you can do: Print shipping labels (with free shipping plugin); manage all shipments; utilize a customer service staff that can look up tracking numbers and shipment status; easily share shipment history with off-site customer service staff.
Supported Browsers: IE 6, IE 7, Firefox 3
Supported languages: English
Supported eBay sites: ebay.com
Required eBay subscriptions: Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro
Multi-Channel eCommerce:
eBay sales
PayPal transactions (for on- and off-eBay sales)
Google Checkout
Yahoo! Stores
• More ecommerce systems coming soon.
• Print shipping labels (with free shipping plugin)
• Email notifications
• Electronic scale support
• Use existing shipping accounts (in most cases)
Customer Service:
• See sales from all your ecommerce channels
• Monitor and manage which have shipped and which have not
• Look up sales and shipment information from a single console
• Allow Customer Service to work remote from the shipping department
• No more flipping between multiple merchant consoles
• Stay focused by working from a single “to do” list
• Easily share access to shipment history with co-workers or outsourced customer service
• My.ShipRush is free to try and free to use.

My.ShipRush on eBay 2

Additional Resources:
*** My.ShipRush with eBay
*** See how the ecommerce flow works with My.ShipRush by checking out these nifty diagrams
*** See what questions, answers and feedback is being provided in the My.ShipRush Forums
*** ShipRush “in 2 minutes”
