eBay Foundation

eBay Foundation Welcomes New Board Member

Allie Ottoboni, President, eBay Foundation

Derek Allgood, VP of Global Customer and Experience, recently joined the eBay Foundation Board

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We are excited to welcome Derek Allgood to the eBay Foundation’s Board of Directors. Derek brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the Foundation’s work to address and remove barriers to entrepreneurship, making entrepreneurship more equitable for all.

Meet Derek Allgood

Derek brings to the Board an impressive background in driving growth and impact at a massive scale.

Joining from eBay Dublin, Derek serves as the VP of Global Customer Experience (GCX). He manages the customer service arm of eBay, a global team of over 7,000 that assists over 45 million customers with over 350 million help requests each year. Derek also co-founded GCX4Good, a global initiative that creates opportunities for employees to give back to their communities, fundraise for important causes, and make a positive impact on the world.

“I am honored and gratified to join as a Board Member for the eBay Foundation,” said Derek. “Those of us who hold this privilege are ennobled to play a part in growing and promoting economic opportunity. This is the work I love most — and to be enabled to do great work and grow while in service of greater good is an amazing feeling.”

We are looking forward to working with Derek as we continue to partner with nonprofits to affect change for entrepreneurs who identify with historically excluded groups.

Fostering A More Vibrant & Inclusive Marketplace 

With Derek’s background in delivering customer satisfaction at scale, the eBay Foundation is poised to advance its strategic mission.

We have recently celebrated several milestones that highlight this continuous work:

  • $19M in grants and employee matching gifts in 2023

  • $120M granted to nonprofit organizations since 1998

  • 1.8K nonprofits awarded grants since 1998

About the Board

The eBay Foundation’s Board represents a diverse group of leaders who are committed to advancing eBay Foundation programs, maximizing our impact, and contributing diverse perspectives and lived experience.

Our current Board Members are:

  • Julie Loeger: (Board Chairperson) SVP, Chief Growth Officer, eBay

  • Julie Simpson: (Board CFO) VP, Head of Internal Audit and Chief Audit Executive, eBay

  • Ken Ebanks: (Board Secretary) VP and Interim General Counsel, eBay

  • Beric Alleyne: Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, eBay

  • Patrice Green: VP of Programs, Surdna Foundation

  • Jonathan Jayes-Green: Nonprofit and Philanthropy Executive

  • Eve Williams: VP and General Manager, eBay U.K.

  • Derek Allgood: VP, Global Customer Experience (GCX), eBay