Dr. Kira Radinsky Named Lady Globes Magazine's "Woman of the Year"

eBay News Team

Dr. Radinsky, Director of Data Science for eBay Israel, tops a list of the most influential women in Israel.

Lady Globes Magazine, one of the leading financial magazines in Israel, has selected Dr. Kira Radinsky, Chief Scientist and Director of Data Science for eBay Israel, as "Woman of the Year." Dr. Radinsky was atop a distinguished list of the 50 most influential women in Israel.

The list, which is comprised annually, includes scientists, investors, CEOs and other business women who, through impressive work and achievement, influenced the Israeli and global business, scientific and social arenas.

Dr. Radinsky co-founded SalesPredict, a leader in the field of predictive marketing building solutions leveraging large-scale data mining to predict sales conversions. The company was acquired by eBay in 2016.

As the Chief Scientist and Director of Data Science of eBay Israel, Dr. Radinsky is building the next generation of predictive data mining, deep learning, and natural language processing solutions that will transform ecommerce. 

One of the rising voices in the data science community, Dr. Radinsky is pioneering the fields of Web Dynamics and Temporal Information Retrieval.

In an interview with Lady Globes, Dr. Radinsky said: "Ever since I was a child, I dreamed about becoming a scientist. Discovering new things every day gives meaning to life. I admire scientists above all other people, and as a kid I idolized Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci."

She continued: "Many times in my life, I've done things that other people advised against. Even my doctorate subject was a risky choice, because I tried to find a way to predict events methodically, and I didn't know if I could publish the required amount of articles."

When asked to give some managerial insights, Dr. Radinsky indicated that prioritizing tasks is the most important skill in a manager's job: "Time is the most precious thing we have. We prioritize every day, and that's the most important thing a manager needs to do - whether she's a CEO or junior staff. Prioritizing means seeing your vision in a clear manner and knowing where to invest your best efforts.”

Dr. Radinsky gained international recognition for her work at Microsoft Research, where she developed predictive algorithms that recognized the early warning signs of globally impactful events, including political riots and disease epidemics.

In 2013, she was named to the MIT Technology Review’s 35 Young Innovators Under 35, and in 2015 she was recognized as one of Forbes’ 30 under 30 rising stars in enterprise technology. She is a frequent presenter at global tech events, including TEDx and the World Wide Web Conference and is a contributor to the Harvard Business Review.

Radinsky also serves as visiting professor at the Technion, Israel’s leading science and technology institute, where she focuses on the application of predictive data mining in medicine.