CNBC Broadcasts Live From our Headquarters

eBay News Team

The hottest selling items on eBay are bubbling up to CNBC’s global audience. The network’s Josh Lipton and others are broadcasting live from our headquarters, showcasing eBay’s value proposition for both buyers and sellers this holiday season.

Black Friday Segments:

During the first segment on Squawk Box, correspondent Josh Lipton, live from eBay’s active war room, introduced top-selling items on eBay – including Star Wars merchandise, hover boards and gold/bullion. As part of his commentary, Josh cited the velocity statistics of each hot item  --  two hover boards selling every minute --  reinforcing eBay’s business vitality during the holiday season.  You can also view the segment below.

cnbc black friday clip v3 

During the second segment on  Squawk Alley, Josh interviewed our North American chief Hal Lawton. In addition to discussing top trends and items of the holiday season, Josh also asked Hal about eBay’s growth strategy and how the company can stand out against its competitors. Hal emphasized eBay’s unique and differentiated selection; offering great prices and fast shipping through the Deals and shipping programs; and eBay’s overall value proposition. The segment is available here.

cnbc hal lawton


The third and final segment ran during the Closing Bell, in which Josh looked more closely at some of the trending items being sold on eBay, including gold, gaming consoles and Star Wars toys. Josh closed the segment by citing the overall opportunity for e-commerce this holiday season. This segment is available online at

cnbc black friday deals on ebay


Cyber Monday Segment:

This morning — Cyber Monday —CNBC used eBay data to find out what people were buying and what items were trending.

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