Check out eBay Instant Sale and a new special iPhone promotion starting today [video interview & demo]

Richard Brewer-Hay

eBay Instant Sale launched back in October and in the past 4 months it seems to have been a pretty popular feature… for those using it. However, we haven’t really promoted it all that much as we’ve been tweaking features here and there. All that changed today though.

Coinciding with the Verizon iPhone launch this week, eBay is launching a special promotion (February 8 – February 22) through the Instant Sale platform that offers a guaranteed price of $200 for some popular smartphones. Visit for details.

I sat down with director of seller experience, Arnaud Collin, to talk about eBay Instant Sale; the promotion running for the next two weeks; and I also give a (semi) demo of the experience.

I’m going to try it out this week with a couple of old gadgets I don’t use anymore so I’ll let you know how it goes.


Related Reads:
eBay’s Instant Sale to pay $200 for certain phones [ABC News]