eBay Brings Verified Condition Program to Heavy Equipment Category
The marketplace’s latest offering includes in-person inspections, more transparent used equipment condition reporting, and expanded purchase protections.
Every day, millions of people worldwide come to eBay. We honor the trust our global community puts in us to maintain a secure platform.
Guided by eBay’s Impact team, with oversight from our Board of Directors and Leadership team, we integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters into the core of our business and embrace sustainable practices that reinforce our commitment to operating with integrity.
The Board’s Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee broadly oversees ESG issues and sustainability reporting, while the Board’s three other standing committees oversee specific ESG-related matters, including in connection with incentive-based compensation, ethics and compliance programs, and audit and risk management oversight. Our Chief Sustainability Officer works closely with Investor Relations and chairs our ESG Council of senior leaders, sponsored by our CEO, Jamie Iannone.
Visit our Investor Relations website for additional corporate governance policies and practices.
This flow chart illustrates our integrated governance structure, using double-headed arrows to depict our two-way information sharing and feedback model.
We follow strict internal practices and policies that reflect our strong commitment to our stockholders, community, and employees. We are committed to exercising the highest level of ethical standards in everything we do.
Our Government Relations team champions causes that matter to our user community. Our global team advocates for our customers, small business sellers, and eBay business objectives with governments, regulatory agencies, and policymakers around the world.
We follow strict internal policies, alongside our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, to reflect our commitment to our community.
We champion the causes that matter to our community and take our customers’ privacy and security seriously.
The eBay Security Center offers robust tools and resources to help buyers and sellers connect within our trusted marketplace. We also provide comprehensive information security and cybersecurity awareness training to all employees.
We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our users’ information. Our Global Privacy Office maintains a robust program that is in line with international standards and built upon eBay’s Privacy Principles, which provide a safe, secure, and trustworthy experience.
Our policies are designed to protect consumers and provide clarity to sellers about what may or may not be sold on our platform and under what conditions.
We continue to take a leadership role in fighting online wildlife trafficking.