As a young entrepreneur, Sahil Kumar has applied his education and early work experience to running a successful business on eBay.

As a young entrepreneur, Sahil Kumar has applied his education and early work experience to running a successful business on eBay.

After graduating with an engineering degree and struggling to find work, Sahil discovered his entrepreneurial spirit. He connected with a college friend working for an electronic recycling company, which inspired him to repair and recycle entire devices and resell them into the market. In his one year selling on the eBay platform, Sahil has seen over 100 percent increase in sales. Sahil also employs his mother and women from his community, who have taught him about customer support, product and shipping management, and how to run an efficient business.

Q: Where does the inspiration for your business come from?
A: Growing up, I enjoyed taking things apart and finding a way to put it back together. While in college studying engineering, I became especially skilled at fixing my own and my friends’ cell phones to save money on repair costs. I realized that many students also could not afford the costs of cell phone repairs, so I began offering my services at an affordable price. This startup helped pay for my college expenses. After college, I struggled to find a job in the first few months, so I continued to offer my repair services. It was during a brief stint working at a company that I decided to form Wholesalebiz01, inspired from my passion in helping those around me and my desire to give customers an affordable option to own cell phones.

Q: How has selling on eBay impacted your life?
A: This is not just a business to me; it is my passion and my joy. I personally examine each shipment before it is sent out. I give 110 percent of myself to this business, and I love that I get to work alongside my family.

eBay has given me the flexibility to make my own hours and to offer my employees a more flexible schedule. Most of the employees working with me are above the age of 50 and have their own families and responsibilities to attend to. Selling on eBay allows me to work alongside them and give them a means of providing for themselves.

Q: What gets you excited about selling on eBay?
A: eBay is a hub for so many different buyers and sellers. I am not restricted to selling to one area as I would be if I had a physical store. The eBay community is diverse and growing, and the brand is well trusted by buyers and sellers alike. The reputation that precedes eBay is such a positive one that it makes online shopping easy for people. It is exciting to be a part of a positive community of like-minded sellers. Even on a smaller scale, eBay has introduced me to my own neighbors! It is rewarding to run into other eBay sellers that live in my hometown, extending that sense of community.

Q: How has the ability to sell globally impacted your business?
A: eBay has connected me to buyers in almost every corner of the world. When the web of potential buyers extends to multiple continents, it makes it possible to reach so many more people than just those in your country. With eBay’s global shipping program, packages are sent out for delivery sooner, and buyers receive their products faster. Through the program, selling globally is more streamlined and made easier.

Q: Why is it important that we support small business?
A: It has been said time and time again how small businesses are the backbone of the economy. eBay has always supported that motto and it is vital that they continue to do so. Owning your own business is a dream many people have. As a child of immigrants, I know that better than anyone. My parents worked their whole lives to be able to call something their own in this country. To be able to build something and run it as your own in today’s world is a rare feat. People with good ideas, dreams and talents deserve to be given a helping hand to reach, and then maximize their potential. eBay supports real people by continuing to support small businesses.

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