Our Mission

We help visionary entrepreneurs build lasting, impactful companies to transform the online economy.


Recommerce: The circular economy is driving new, verticalized experiences to extend the lives of pre-loved items

Enthusiast Platforms: Digital communities are forming in order to bridge content-to-commerce

Ecommerce Enablers

Buyer Experience: Marketplaces and brands are creating meaningful connections through full-funnel engagement

Seller Tools: Bolt-on tools are simplifying the listing process and enhancing sales conversion

Marketplace Fundamentals: Evolving customer expectations are putting trust at the forefront of innovation

Future of Commerce

Web3: NFTs are enabling new opportunities for creators to engage and directly connect with their communities

Artificial Intelligence: AI is transforming commerce experiences from discovery to purchase

Beatriz Reyero

eBay Global VP of Corporate Strategy, Investments, Partnerships, Incubation

Jordan Sweetnam

eBay SVP, Global Markets

Mazen Rawashdeh

eBay Chief Technology Officer

Eddie Garcia

eBay Chief Product Officer

Let’s Talk

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