Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy

Effective date: June 1, 2024

This Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is a supplement to our User Privacy Notice, where you can find information about how eBay collects your personal data when you use eBay’s services or otherwise interact with us. This Policy applies only to personal information that may be considered “Consumer Health Data” under the Washington My Health My Data Act or other applicable laws. It may apply to you if you are a natural person who acts only in an individual or household context and are a Washington resident or if your Consumer Health Data is collected in the state of Washington.

We may update this Policy in response to changing legal, technical and business developments. When we update this Policy, we will note the date of its most recent revision above. You will be notified of any material changes to this Policy via My Messages in My eBay and/or by email.

Categories of Consumer Health Data We May Collect

The best way to learn about the categories of personal data that we may collect and process about consumers overall, including personal data that is not Consumer Health Data, is to review the eBay User Privacy Notice.

The data we collect about you depends on the purchases you make on the eBay marketplace and the services that you request from us in relation to those purchases, as further described below. Because each of our customers can have an individual experience using eBay’s services, we may not collect all or any of the categories of the below-listed Consumer Health Data about you.

How We Use and Disclose Consumer Health Data

To provide the products or features offered by eBay, we collect and process information about you, including information that may be considered Consumer Health Data.

Consumer Health Data Categories We May Collect

Information that identifies a consumer’s:

  • health condition, treatment, diseases, or diagnosis;
  • diagnoses or diagnostic testing, treatment, or medication;
  • reproductive or sexual health in-formation (e.g., purchase of pregnancy tests or contraceptives);
  • biometric data, such as face geometry used to identify you, to the extent it may be considered Consumer Health Data under applicable laws.

Categories of Sources

Consumer Health Data collected:

  • directly from you;
  • from a device associated with you or your household;
  • from third-party devices and apps you choose to connect to our services;
  • from eBay affiliates; and
  • from vendors who provide services on our behalf.

Purposes of the Collection, Use, or Disclosure

We may use Consumer Health Data, as described in this Policy, for the purpose of providing the products and services that you request from eBay, including processing and delivering an order you place, providing you receipts and order information in your account, processing returns, processing claims, securing or troubleshooting eBay services, and communicating with you.

We also may use Consumer Health Data with your consent or as otherwise permitted by applicable law. For example, we may use Consumer Health Data to:

  • fulfill our legal functions or obligations, such as maintaining and auditing compliance;
  • ensure security and integrity of our systems, including detection and prevention of security incidents; or
  • detect or prevent harmful behavior on eBay’s marketplace, such as identity theft, fraud, harassment, deceptive activities, or other activities that are illegal under applicable law.

Categories of Parties To Which We May Disclose Consumer Health Data

We disclose Consumer Health Data as directed by you, for the purpose of providing the products and services you request from eBay, or as otherwise explained in this table.

As described in our User Privacy Notice, eBay may disclose personal information to another company in connection with business transfers (e.g., as part of a merger) or for the protection of eBay or others.

We also employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf, such as acting on an emergency you report, processing claims, fulfilling orders for products or services, sending postal mail and email, analyzing data, and providing customer service. These service providers may have access to Consumer Health Data as needed to perform their functions.

Some of these service providers may be eBay affiliates.


How to Exercise Your Consumer Health Data Privacy Rights

Depending on the applicable laws, you may have the following rights: (1) the Right to Confirm whether we are collecting, sharing, or selling your Consumer Health Data and the Right to Access such data; (2) the Right to Withdraw Consent, if and to the extent we are processing your Consumer Health Data based on consent; and (3) the Right to Delete your Consumer Health Data. You also have the Right not to be Unlawfully Discriminated against for exercising any of the rights described in this section. We will not discriminate against you for requesting to exercise your rights.

How to Exercise Your Privacy Rights

Please note that national or local law may permit us to deny a request. For eBay to fulfill your request, you must provide sufficient information for us to reasonably verify that you are the consumer from whom we collected any Consumer Health Data. The information you send for us to verify your identity will be used for this purpose only. If we are unable to verify your identity or suspect fraudulent activity, we may decline to comply with your request.

  • Registered eBay users with accounts
    • To exercise your Right to Confirm/Access, please go to “Account settings” in the drop-down menu of your name tab, select “Request your eBay data”, and follow the instructions to submit your request. The report we will provide will be in a portable (structured, commonly used, and machine readable) format. We will verify your identity using your existing username and password prior to accepting your request.
    • To exercise your Right to Delete, please go to our Deleting your data help page, select “Delete My Data” and follow the instructions.
  • Non-registered eBay users (e.g. guest users) or eBay users with suspended accounts
    • For non-registered eBay users and eBay users with suspended accounts, you may submit your Confirm/Access or Deletion requests through our Privacy Center webform.
    • To exercise all other health data privacy rights, to the extent they are applicable to you, please contact the eBay Privacy Team by accessing the Privacy Center Contact Page.

Consumers may have the right to appeal a denial of a rights request. If your Consumer Health Data Rights request gets denied, we will provide you with an explanation of how to submit an appeal.

Additional Information / Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Consumer Health Data Policy, our global privacy standards, or our handling of your personal data, you can find additional information and contact details for the eBay Privacy Team on our Privacy Center Contact Page.