How Can We Help?
Select an option below to make a request or obtain additional information. If you prefer, you can send a written request to the eBay company in your region, which you can find in the “Controller” section of our User Privacy Notice.
To ensure that personal data is released only to authorized parties, eBay is obligated to verify the identity of anyone to whom it releases personal data in response to a request for access to that data. In some cases, you may be required to provide a separate Proof of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA) for eBay to process your request. Any POI or POA you provide in connection will be used solely for the purpose of identity verification related to the request made. eBay retains POI/POA only for this purpose.
For general customer support inquiries relating to activities such as buying, selling, or payment issues please contact eBay Customer Support.
eBay Security Law Enforcement Center
Law Enforcement agencies seeking assistance and records for investigations relating to eBay may contact our Criminal & Regulatory Investigations (CRI) Team for assistance.
Data Protection Officer Contacts
Learn how to contact the Data Protection Officer in your region.
Verified Rights Owner Program
eBay is committed to assisting third parties in protecting their intellectual property rights. To help protect these rights, eBay has created various programs enabling rights owners to easily report claims of intellectual property infringement.
Employment Related Questions
Employee, Contractor, and Applicant related inquiries may be submitted via the Data Privacy eRequest Tool.