Every Day, Our Community Raises Money for Causes They Care About

Our marketplace hosts one of the largest and most active fundraising platforms today. Every time a person buys or sells on eBay, they can also support the causes that matter the most to them. Charitable organizations use our platform to help reach their fundraising goals. 100% of the funds raised goes to the intended charities.

Empowering People and Communities

Learn how a single purchase through eBay for Charity can have a positive ripple effect among charities, its recipients and their local communities.

Turning a New Page

More Than Words  |  Mehki Jordan | Boston, Massachusetts

Mehki Jordan came to More Than Words seeking a renewed sense of hope. He was unemployed, had dropped out of school and had been hanging out with the wrong crowd. When a street altercation led to him almost losing his arm, Mehki decided to make a change in his life.

More Than Words is a Boston-based bookseller and social enterprise that teaches nearly 400 at-risk youth the skills needed to become successful in today’s workplace.

At More Than Words, Mehki finds a sense of empowerment and camaraderie among his colleagues. He now works as the business training manager at the bookstore’s Waltham, Massachusetts, location.

Stories like Mehki’s sit at the very heart of the eBay for Charity program. Since 2003, eBay for Charity has empowered consumers to make an impact by enabling them to support their favorite charities and causes when they buy or sell on eBay.

More Than Just a Second Chance

Goodwill San Francisco  |  Patrick Quiroz | San Francisco, California

For Patrick Quiroz, working at Goodwill San Francisco is more than just a second chance — it’s where he finds a sense of community and empowerment.

Before joining Goodwill, Patrick had difficulty getting hired due to his legal record. After completing the Goodwill Industries Job Training Program, Patrick worked his way up to become the Assistant Ecommerce Manager at Goodwill's San Francisco location. He now oversees the shipping departments within the South San Francisco warehouse.

Through eBay for CharityGoodwill San Francisco is able to fund its Job Training Program and give back to those like Patrick, who are in need of a second chance. The program spans work readiness, vocational training, and support services to address barriers standing in the way of individual success.

A Little More Good in the World

Africa Direct  |  Elizabeth Bennett | Denver, Colorado

In the 90s, Elizabeth Bennett and her wife Sara set off on an eight-month trek across southern Africa with their three youngest children in tow to explore the countries’ culture and local communities. They crisscrossed Lesotho, Mozambique, Botswana and Swaziland in a used food van converted into a camper. Over the course of their 15,000-mile journey, they collected African art and wares that they started selling on eBay to help raise funds to benefit local communities in Africa.

Through eBay for Charity, Elizabeth’s online store Africa Direct supports charities that work to reduce poverty in local communities across Africa. Not only that, her business also supports African traders by connecting them to eBay’s global marketplace.

By The Numbers

$ 162 M
raised in donations globally in 2023
225 K
charities use the eBay for Charity platform
$ 1.3 B
raised since 2003

Our Programs at Work

eBay for Charity Toolkits


Learn about how eBay for Charity allows buyers and sellers to support their favorite causes.

Charity Seller

Learn more about how your charity can sell on eBay for Charity.

Community Seller

Learn more on how you can start giving by selling through eBay for Charity.

Give at Checkout

Learn more on how you can start giving by donating via the Checkout page.